Manage every need of your school on a single platform.
Track Every Student’s Journey, Seamlessly.
Simplify Payments, Maximize Efficiency.
Effortless Assessment, Instant Results.
Clear, Accurate Reports for Informed Decisions.
Hostel Facilities with a Few Clicks.
Safe Rides, Smarter Tracking
Organized Access to Knowledge at Your Fingertips.
Stay Informed with Instant Text Notifications.
Displays key financial data such as total collection, concessions, pending fees, total fees, income, and expenses.
Breakdown of fees including total collection, pending fees, and concessions. Visual representation (pie chart) of paid fees.
"Today Collection" section shows daily updates.
Suggests the app tracks individual class financials or attendance.
Total income and total expense sections allow for financial oversight.
Displays exam results, including total marks, obtained marks, and percentage/pass/fail status.
Showcases top-performing students
Provides information on fee status, including total fee, amount paid, and outstanding balance.
Offers access to digital learning materials through sections like Homework, e-Content, and e-Material.
Includes a wallet feature for transactions in hostel.
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